Ben Tribbett is the writer behind the popular political blog “Not Larry Sabato”. He specializes in Virginia politics, writing most frequently about Northern Virginia politicians, candidates, campaigns, and their role in the General Assembly. His blog is one of the most popular in Virginia, widely read among politicians, insiders, campaign staff, and party officials. It has grown in popularity mainly to his analysis of voting history in campaigns that people find insightful. By his own account “Not Larry Sabato” has approximately 1,179 readers a day.
But there is a problem. Ben Tribbett is nothing but an irresponsible, hypocritical, reckless hack. In addition to his evolving “predictions” and bullshit analyses, he uses his blog to attack people he doesn’t like personally, spread vicious rumors, advance his own political agenda, and often uses photoshopped pictures to insult people he doesn’t like. I put predictions in quotes, because Senator Ken Cuccinelli put it best when he recently wrote:
"Unlike one of my infamous constituents, Not Larry Sabato, I don’t continually refine my long-term predictions and then tell you how smart I am because my predictions the day before the election were ‘so accurate.’”
No one likes Ben Tribbett. Neither political party wants him. The only two politicians that want anything to do with him are Leslie Byrne and Chap Petersen, and even they try to conceal any collaboration. He has no real friends, although he thinks he does. If anyone is friendly to him it’s merely out of political expediency because they don’t want to be attacked by him.
Ben Tribbett’s bullshit has been documented all over the internet, mostly in the comments section of his own blog. To his credit he will often leave up critical comments, although many times he deletes the ones he doesn’t like. Other blogs have exposed Ben for the fraud and hack that he is. “Ben Tribbett Watch” will take these comments and blog posts and put them all in one place. There will be some original content here, but my job is easy since I only have to go back and find what other people have written and fact checked. We’ll go back and focus on some of the more outrageous and stupid things he’s written in the past and will keep an eye on his current posts as well.
How long will “Ben Tribbett Watch” last? I don’t know. Probably until I feel that there is sufficient information in one place to show that Ben Tribbett is nothing but a piece of shit with a blog. Also, this blog is going to be mean. Ben doesn’t hold back when he writes, and neither will I or should you in the comments. I’ll use photoshops of Ben, just like he does of other people. There will not be a lot of posts to Ben Tribbett Watch, maybe one or two a day, if that. Unlike Ben, I do not live in my parent’s basement and am forced to have a full time job like most normal adults.
It’s well known that Ben has made a lot of enemies and I’m sure there are a lot you who have stories or tips you would like to share. For tips about Ben Tribbett, and I’m sure there are plenty out there, email them to, confidentially guaranteed of course. These tips and/or stories should be rooted in at least 5% of the truth, since that’s often how much truth is in Ben’s posts.
This should be fun.