You know you've made it big time in Virginia Blogs when you get a shout out from Daily Whackjob, and Ben Tribbett Watch has done just that. Tuesday DWJ posted
this and gave us here at Ben Tribbett Watch all sorts of warm and fuzzies. Yesterday, however, DWJ gave us a good tongue lashing by posting
this about the Duke Advisors LLC theory.
The only crime here is the name of that Law Firm and that the jackasses who run
Ben Tribbett watch are as bad as Ben when throwing out accusations without proof.
To be clear, Ben Tribbett Watch was never meant to be better or a higher quality. Let's go back to our introduction post:
These tips and/or stories should be rooted in at least 5% of the truth, since that’s often how much truth is in Ben’s posts.
In other words, Ben Tribbett Watch is playing the game by Ben's rules, not by the rules that the rest of the civilized world plays by. Nevertheless, I believe there is about a 75% chance that Ben Tribbett was getting paid through Duke Advisors LLC, well above the 5% threshold Ben has established.
The intro post also included this:
Also, this blog is going to be mean. Ben doesn’t hold back when he writes, and neither will I or should you in the comments.
When Ben calls people down ballot douchebags, racist, photoshops people into someone taking a shower, and whatever else he feels like on any given day, I have no problem with being mean when it comes to Ben. That's what I find it funny that the infamous Aimee would say that "The comments section on Ben Tribbett Watch is getting a little out of hand as well."
It's been well documented on NLS that Aimee is one of his little groupies. She provided ammunition for Ben's hatred for Oleszek campaign manager Johnathan Murray, she gave him emails from James Walkinshaw about the Connolly Campaign, and there are rumors circulating that she was sleeping with Ben (excuse me while I go vomit).
Sorry Aimee, you are defined by who you surround yourself with. You're fair game.