Sunday, January 27, 2008

Irony is Dead, Part III

I'll say this about Ben Tribbett: that guy has one set of gigantic balls. This mental case tries to call out the Washington Post for blogging about something that hasn't been substantiated. Ben says:

Let me walk you through this. I will talk very slowly so you understand.

Lori is running against someone she clearly doesn't like (Leslie). She claims someone poked her who is a Leslie supporter. She won't say who it is. The Post runs it. I am saying someone I don't like (Gerry) peed on my leg. I named the person who did the urinating. Even though I clearly have an agenda, the Post should run this because I have provided more information about this "incident" than Lori did about hers.

Is that clear enough for you?

Of course, an anonymous commenter calls him on his bullshit:
Oh, so you mean that the WP *BLOG* is being run by the same pathetic
journalistic standard as the NLS *BLOG*, and you're bitching about it?

Pot, meet kettle.

Jeez, you usually hide your hypocrisy a little better than this.

Which is pretty much 100% accurate, except that Ben doesn't try to hide his hypocricy. He doesn't have any pride or integrity whatsoever. So hypocricy be damned, he just doesn't give a shit. Ben also says that in his original post he was giving an example of how absurd the story is. Because Ben never writes anything absurd or unsubstantiated. Ever.


Anonymous said...

I just came upon this blog randomly. This guy sounds pretty worthless. Do a lot of people really read his blog?

Anonymous said...

GAida rules.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could interest them in Ben; keep in mind they would require actual evidence.