Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More on THE Example of Ethical Blogging

And the comments keep on coming. This could go down as the best NLS post of all time.
  • "I am on the panel as the example of ethical blogging."


    Whatever helps you get through your day, sparky.

  • Ben speaking on ethics is like Bill Clinton talking about marital fidelity.

  • The editor of the National Enquirer will also be there to talk about ethics in journalism. Be sure you get your tickets now!!

  • Be careful Ben, it sounds like a trap to me. It might be some kind of intervention.

    If they grab you and stick you in a white van, well, we'll miss ya, ole buddy.

And what will certainly be one of the best comments that has ever appeared on Ben Tribbett's blog:
  • Let's see-

    The whole Kate & Phil divorce controversy as "news." That was weird.

    The "buying votes" scandal in Tidewater. Weird.

    Rushing down to the Post Office because Tom Davis was reportedly harassing postal workers about a flyer going out for JMDD. Weird. Calling for the Governor to intervene. Even weirder.

    The breathless large-point fonts and repetition of "scandal" and "resign" in many headlines. Weird.

    The fixation on personal score settling. Connolly, JMDD/Tom, Obama, Janet O., "South County Bitch", and what list would be complete without Dave Marsden? Again, a little weird.

    The letter to Senator-elect McEachin with Lowell. Weird.

    The whole "babes of the blogosphere" on-going theme. Weird.

    I'm sure they want Ben on the panel, but perhaps not for the reasons he is thinking....

Thank you, Interested Observer.


Anonymous said...

With friends like these...

Anonymous said...

I went in a hater last night, but he is pretty impressive in person. By far the best on the panel.