Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ben Tribbett is a Hypocrite with No Credibility, Part I

When Ben Tribbett feels someone should be elected, he will write anything about anyone running against that person. It doesn't matter if it is a primary or general election, Ben will spread vicious rumors, false accusations, and manufactured "scandals" which only he thinks are actual scandals.

Such was the case in the primary between (Senator-elect) George Barker and Greg Galligan. There were many posts on this race, each one more outrageous than the last. The one that is relevant to this discussion is a post called "Barker's Alliance With Republicans". This post wasn't even close to one of his worst, but the funny thing is he ends it with
"Barker owes all Democrats an apology for this cavorting."
Pretty unbelievable considering Ben was just featured with a defacto endorsement on an ultra-conservative Republican's mail piece who he would've ran against in the general election had he won the nomination.

One example out of many of why Ben Tribbett, aka Not Larry Sabato, has no crediblilty whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

Can you run that picture of him stuffed in a garbage can by the "cool kids?"

Anonymous said...


BenTribbettWatch said...

noted and fixed. thanks.

BenTribbettWatch said...

12:59- Haven't seen that one, but would love to. Feel free to post a link and I'll put it on the front page.