Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ben Makes New Media Strategies Proud

Ben has another post about Tim Craig and his alleged role in "Borat". It hasn't even been confirmed that it is actually Tim Craig, but NLS and BVBL continue on as if Tim's name were in the actual credits.

Anyway, a commenter on NLS sums it up perfectly:
Ben has a genuine disdain for Tim Craig, and why shouldn’t he? After all, Craig is a professional reporter, something Ben will never be. But wait, Ben just got a job, right? He now works for New Media Strategies. I guess we now know that firm believes personally attacking reporters for the largest circulation newspaper in Virginia constitutes best practices in public relations. New Media Strategies obviously approves of its employees making personal attacks on Washington Post reporters, or else Ben never would have posted this gratuitous and scurrilous item in the first place. I’m sure Ben’s employer will gain lots of new clients based on this novel approach to media strategy.

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